Heavy fighting continues unabated in areas close to Kachin administrative headquarter Laiza. On April 22, a battle took place between KI" name="Description" />
Heavy fighting continues unabated in areas close to Kachin administrative headquarter Laiza. On April 22, a battle took place between KIA’s 5th Brigade soldiers and Burmese Army’s 388th LIR in Laja Yang, just about 12 miles from Laiza. Local sources reported that at least 2 Burmese soldiers were killed and another two wounded in this battle.
In another front, heavy battles took place between KIA’s mobile battalion and Burmese Army’s 105th LIB and a combined force of about 400 soldiers from 383rd LIR, 386th LIR and 389th LIR near Na Hpaw, KIA’s former headquarter, on April 22 for about 5 hours beginning 3:25 pm. Burmese soldiers were on their way to reinforce Na Hpaw post when they were ambushed by KIA’s mobile battalion. Local sources reported that Burmese Army transported food rations and military equipment to its Na Hpaw post by air for at least 7 times on April 22.
Serious human rights violations, including bombing residential areas, killings, and arbitrary detention of ordinary Kachin civilian, were committed by Burmese government soldiers during past week in Man Mau village and Sinbo township.
On April 19, Burmese Army’s 388th LIR fired some heavy artillery directly into residential areas in Man Mau village in a battle against KIA’s 5th Brigade. Sau Lam, 28 years-old Shan national and a mother of four, was killed by artillery shells. Another village woman E-hkun, 22 years-old Shan national and a mother of one child, was struck by a piece of shell in her right arm.
On April 20, Ura Naw Lawn (age 37) was arrested on his way to rice field by Capt. Tun Aung Kyaw of 141st LIR. Local source says Burmese soldiers beat Ura Naw Lawn repeatedly and later detain him in a local police station on suspicion of KIA connection. Ura Naw Lawn was released the next day but threatened not to go to a hospital for treatment.
Local villagers say Burmese Army troops stationed at Gang Dau Yang have been firing 120 mm mortar shells into residential areas at Na Lung village on April 22. No casualties have been reported so far.
Burmese Army has been continually sending more troops in Kachin areas as if to push for an all-out war. Fighting has increased significantly for the past few weeks though the two sides met in Ruili for talks in last month. Kachin and Burmese government have a preliminary agreement to reduce troops in conflict areas during Ruili meeting. But Burmese Army escalated the conflict by invading KIO territory formerly agreed by both sides during 1994 ceasefire. KIO has repeatedly asked Burmese government to withdraw its troops to show sincerity and genuineness for future peace talks. Kachin observers say that Burmese government hasn’t shown its will to begin political negotiations though it managed to strike fragile peace deals with other ethnic nationalities including KNU, SSA and NMSP.