二、景颇族是起源于黄河流域的古老民族,也是中华大地上创造黄河中原古老文明的民族之一,在漫长的历史变革和征战、迁徙中来到了今天的云南西部、缅甸北部和印度东部阿撒姆邦阿鲁哪茶(ARUNACHAL PRADESH)藏南等地区。横跨中印缅三国边境跨境而居,保留和承传了中华大地悠久的民族文化传统习俗。
1 "wide and the first festival" is a Jingpo ethnic important traditional culture and art festivals.
Second, Jingpo originated from the Yellow River ancient people, but also the land of China to create the Central Plains of the Yellow River, one of ancient civilized nation, in the long history of change and expeditions came to move in today''s western Yunnan province, Myanmar, northern and eastern India, A Lu Which Tea (ARUNACHAL PRADESH) area. Across the three countries in the India-Myanmar border cross-door, retain and heritage of the land of the long Chinese Cultural traditions and customs.
In addition to "vertical head Nao Song ( Manau dance )," a grand festival of traditional singing and dancing "gods" in religious activities, festivals, the "wide First Day" is also an important Jingpo earth folk arts traditional culture and heritage activities. Each year, beginning in May, by the village people are leading young people in the arts young and old, carried out in the field focused on the traditional folk arts and sports, food, dance, costumes and other rich content of the transmission of national folk culture and fine arts major exchanges.
