Angelina Jolie meets the forgotten children of Burma: Hollywood star and her son Pax don wellington boots to witness squalid conditions of victims of violent civil war at refugee camp
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Angelina Jolie and son Pax today met the children who have fallen victim to an ethnic war in a troubled Burmese state as part of her mission to improve human rights in the troubled country.
After meeting high-ranking government officials in the corridors of power yesterday, today they moved on to Kachin state, a troubled area marred by extreme poverty and decades of violence.
They met some of the thousands of people who have fallen victim to the violent civil war in the region, now living in squalid conditions at Jam Mai Kaung IDP camp in Myitkyina, capital city of Kachin.
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Displaced: Angelina Jolie and son Pax today met the children who have fallen victim to a civil war in a troubled Burmese state
Crisis: Up to 1,000 people have died in the conflict that has raged since 2011 and up to 70,000 Internationally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are thought to now live in Kachin Independence Party territories
Touching moments: Jolie visited as a special envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, to visit as she tried to highlight the plight of those displaced and improve human rights in the country
Up to 1,000 people have died in the conflict that has raged since 2011 and up to 100,000 Internationally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are thought to be living there.
Angelina and Pax, who is originally from Vietnam and was adopted by his mother and husband Brad Pitt, wore Wellies as they met the children displaced by the conflict.
It was a fitting place for Jolie, a special envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, to visit as she tried to highlight the plight of those displaced and improve human rights in the country.