印度可以不做声张地向克钦人提供支持,暗中帮助他们反抗缅甸政府军。作为回报,新德里一定会向克钦作出这样的要求:不允许在其领地上从事任何反印度的活动。印度反叛武装早些时候的避难所如不丹、孟加拉已经失守,此举会摧毁反叛武装最后一个跨越 边境的基地。
作者:Jaideep Article by - Jaideep Saikia (Senior Fellow, VIF)] Saikia (高级研究员,VIF)
(Part 2) The American objective is quite simple. They want a Christian Kachinland to be an US satellite post strategically wedged between Myanmar and China, which would be tantamount to considerable forward engineering for the United States. China is worried about the development and would do anything to prevent the Americans from getting a foothold in the area. At any rate, as far as India is concerned the outcome of a “war-like situation” between the Kachins and Naypyidaw is not clear. Kachins may continue to wield considerable influence in the area, leading to a status quo of sorts as far as India and the problem of North East insurgency is concerned.The opportunity that presents itself to Indian interest is to restore the 1990 relationship it had with the Kachins. India can provide tacit support to the Kachins and clandestinely help them to fight the Myanmarese army. In return, New Delhi must seek a firm commitment that the Kachins will not allow any anti India activity in their territory. With earlier refuge like Bhutan and Bangladesh having been lost, this would destroy the last effective trans-border base of the Indian Insurgent Groups. The defusing of the Kachin corridor is important, because as aforesaid, ULFA and PLA would use it to take cadres to China for training and weapons. Indeed, Indian agencies had with considerable degree of success cultivated the Kachins during 1990s: there is no reason why it cannot do so now. Besides, the Myanmarese army has done nothing until now to aid India by acting against the Indian Insurgent Groups. Therefore, even if India continues to maintain cordial relations with the Tatmadaw, it may find it in the interest of its security calculus to aid the American game in Kachin. It would be in Indian interest to construct an anti-China base in the area that abuts the People’s Republic so closely. The other reward would be that it would have quietly built up a solid ally in the Kachins, whose alliance would ascertain that the North East insurgent groups are denied their last regrouping zone. Article by - Jaideep Saikia (Senior Fellow, VIF)] Saikia (高级研究员,VIF)