Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy, is standing as a candidate for the first time since her release from house arrest in 2010
今日缅甸全民盟主席 昂山素季到缅甸北部克钦邦北部山镇PUTAO,开始总统梦之行。昂山素季在克钦山头上与当地居民见面,并演说:我们想通过议会修改宪法。的确,本宪法颁布后全民公决。但是当你已经知道,我相信2008年的全民公决并没有真正反映公众的真实愿望望争取各民族支持。更重要的目的是想断定参选总统获胜。
缅甸历任总统都要在接任缅甸国家大权之前 到克钦邦北部 去朝圣景颇人家做仪式认祖归宗,取景颇大姓, 因为景颇人在南诏期统治过缅甸,现在的缅语80%是景颇语载佤支系,缅族称为北吗意思是中国汉语对云南少数民族的称呼为蛮,当中缅族是当时的百蛮叫成北吗也就是BURMAR. 缅是高棉KEMIAN 译音叫成。当时南诏主体民族带领云南百蛮进入今日缅甸佤城一带建立了蒲甘王朝,骠国在古代骠是人之意景颇载佤语,有自由人统治无自由的奴隶制度的国家,其他是奴隶种族 无姓,只能取名字不能有姓。但是景颇载佤支系语言是今日缅甸的文明。缅甸的皇室并非缅族,已被英国人流放印度后消亡。 所以在奈温军人集团夺取政权时刻,想一统缅甸,就特请缅甸高僧和预言家算卦预言。预言家根据缅甸历史的情况和对缅甸未来预测,做出了一个答复:克钦人座宫,方平。 也就是说当克钦人做皇位 缅甸才会平息 和平。还说道:目前 由于路途难还没有走到。克钦人要下山饮大江之水。也就是缅甸要由克钦人坐镇。 这是缅甸人家喻户晓的预言。
所以缅甸近代历任几位领导人为了消除化解这句预言。 到克钦大山取名改姓, 认同克钦之子,担任缅甸领导人。
吴奈温当年夺取缅甸政权执政时期也来到克钦邦北部穿上景颇族男子服装,取景颇名字MARAN GAM<木然干>化解咒语,压阵缅甸,想一统缅甸联邦长期的政权。当时在飞机上用纸做了个假白象,让奈温骑在假白象上面飞回仰光,要做个象征景颇克钦人的仪式,因为传说载佤支系的王,啊王庄AWANGGRAWNG,也叫早庄ZAUGRAWNG,是在一头白象的引路下顺着伊洛瓦底江南下直到印度尼西亚群岛等区域。
今日素季到克钦邦北部山镇putao,是已决心当选缅甸总统第一行动,实现总统梦想的过程, 这是必须完成的一个仪式。 昂山素季之行显明下任总统将会是昂山素季, 也已下定决心做总统之决定,改革缅甸历史步伐。从昂山素季克钦邦北部之行显示昂山素季已胸有成竹在选之中获胜。 并决心当选总统 也有 迹象说明缅甸内部已将总统之位内部首选中素季。缅甸的领导最高首领必须做的一个仪式。选择和希望用民主统一缅甸。
Aung San Suu Kyi meets the public during her rally in Putao, Kachin State (Photo – EMG)
National League for Democracy chairperson Aung San Suu Kyi said she wanted to amend the Constitution within the boundary of the law and choose a method that would not harm the public.
At a public rally held in Putao, Kachin State, a resident questioned Suu Kyi about the process to amend the Constitution, including Section 59(F), which prevents her from presidency.
“The public is very interested in constitutional amendments. I want to do this within the boundary of the law. I want to amend this within the path specified by the law, without any instigations or protests. There are two reasons why I want to do this. One is not to harm the public or make them suffer. Another is to have the rule of law in our country,” said Suu Kyi.
“No matter how we do it, we will choose the method that will not harm the public in amending the provisions in the Constitution that do not meet with democratic standards, including Section 59(F). Our league has already thought about them. We will speak when the time is right,” she continued.
Residents welcome Aung San Suu Kyi on her arrival at Putao Airport (Photo – EMG)
A country would only be peaceful with the public feeling secure, when it had the rule of law, she said.
“We want to amend the Constitution through Parliament. It is true that this Constitution was enacted after a referendum. But as you all already know, I believe the 2008 referendum didn’t really reflect the true desires of the public,” she said.
“When we discuss this in Parliament, there are some [MPs] that don’t want to amend the charter. The six-party talks aim to negotiate these differences, but the government doesn’t seem to want to hold more talks. Its response is slow and they haven’t shown any signs about when the next meeting will be held,” she said.
Thousands of people from Putao, Machanbaw and elsewhere in Kachin State attended the public rally.
“I’m very happy that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi came here. We wanted to see ‘Amay’ Suu. We believe in her,” a resident from Putao told the Daily Eleven.
It was Suu Kyi’s first visit to Putao.
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